Friday, December 30, 2011

Iguana Cantina

Some Vital Considerations Posed on the Care for Iguana Cantina

The iguanas are among the most well-known reptiles which are often purchased from the leading pet shops all over United States. The iguana can grow in almost any type of climate and could utterly measure between four to six feet in terms of its length and from ten to fifteen pounds in weight. When taken captive, the iguanas can live a span of twelve to fifteen years and sometimes up to twenty years provided that they are maintained to the fullest level. Since the iguana cantinas are originally from the humid and hot environments, it is rightful to assume that these reptiles are most active when the sun is up. At times when danger is imposed on them, they can be expected to use their defense mechanism tools such as their strong tails, nails, and jaws.

In their natural habitat, the iguana cantinas are spotted to be always hiding from their predators. They have very strong senses of sight, hearing, and smell and can easily detect the dangers abound. Most of today’s youngsters and teenagers buy iguanas out of severe impulse but then therefore disregarding the vital facts about their proper care. As a general knowledge for everyone, sufficient basics about the requirements for caring for an iguana must be taken into consideration.

The Iguana’s Indoor Housing Concerns

The young iguana cantina is able to live on an aquarium filled with thirty to fifty gallons of water. But of course as they are properly fed with the rightful diet, their growth would seem to advance in a matter of months. This means that the aquarium size should be adjusted as well. The aquarium enclosures come in a variety of styles and are either made out of plexiglass, wood, or simple glass. The substrate to be used must be something that can help you out easily. If you want to save, you can make use of newspapers. Among the other cool choices are the indoor and outdoor carpeting, linoleum, and artificial grass. Materials to avoid are soil, sand, and bark because they commonly invite insects and pests to thrive in them. This will in turn cause harm to your pets. The iguana habitat should be disinfected and cleaned two times in a week. It is also important to set up pieces of rocks, branches, broad limbs, or drift woods as climbing materials for the iguanas.

Water for their Habitat

Even the iguanas crave for water and this need of theirs should come handy. Most of their water intake source comes from the plants which they come to consume in their diets. When the iguanas are taken inside their tanks, they love to drink water from the woods or leaves inside the cage. Bathing the iguana is another good source of water intake into their bodies. This will further train the reptile to be accustomed with the water. When bathing your pet, lukewarm water must be used.

The Outdoor Sunlight for the Iguanas

Nothing can ever compare with the natural light coming from the sun. Sunlight will make your pet iguana cantina healthier. In a week, the iguana must be exposed to natural sunlight from five to ten hours. If you wish to place your iguana in a cage outside of your home, you should ensure that cats, dogs, or any other wild animals must not be present to pose danger on your pet.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Care for a green iguana

When people talk about change for an iguana for a pet, they usually mean the most common species, the "Iguana iguana or green iguana.

Found in South America and Central America and other regions of the Pacific, the iguana has become very popular with owners of pet in the United States and Europe in recent years.

Active during the day, the young iguana is usually bright green in color, helping to hide from predators in forest green. With quick movements and sharp eye, a green iguana easily avoid capture. As the Iguana ages, its color changes from bright green to cut green.

An iguana in the wild spend the day trying to find a sunny place to sleep, eat, and trying to escape their predators.

Of course, an iguana in captivity is a different case. Although there are no predators to escape care an iguana needs to be well supported by their owner. This may be a popular animal, but making sure it is not an easy task.

Let's talk about "something to do when caring for an iguana.

1. Providing large enclosure for your iguana.

For a green iguana can reach a height of seven meters, the keeping of animals should be the priority of any owner.

It may seem that the iguana is satisfied with a small enclosure, but without space, which will grow listless and will be highlighted, leading to illness and also vulnerability to infection.

The fence should be several times the length of the iguana is in depth or width or one and a half high, since the animal needs to move or even rise.

Later, the iguana pet to be preferred to wander around the house until the owner will ensure that you will not be able to go out to eat or important things at home.

2. Provide large branches or man-made structures to pack your pet.

Not only does the fence look more pleasing to the eye, with the addition of the things mentioned above, but also worth a better place for the green iguana to live will be a good habitat because they provide a platform for up and elephant - two activities that contribute to the emotional and psychological growth of the iguana.

For the floor of the enclosure in May the use of mulch (material designed to retain moisture, prevent weeds and keep the soil from erosion), or simply leave your diary.

3. Be sure to provide the housing with a heater well.

Do not overlook this fact properly heated iguana will not be able to digest the food well.

The owner must provide a good source of UV light for iguanas. The fence should have no part to a temperature below 26 ° C for at least one party must have a temperature as high as 35 ° C. A projector is good for this purpose.

4. During the heating and lighting play an important role, providing the dark too.

Six to 10 hours of darkness each night, is also important for the welfare iguana. The fence should be protected from poles or fire apparatus.

5. Pay attention to your pet iguana.

Every animal deserves care and interaction of its owner. As your dog or cat usually green iguana, worthy of love and affection. If this is not the attention it deserves, a slow growing iguana May, the sick and dying.

There you go. The above tips are just some things that should be considered in caring for an iguana. This should not be used as a substitute for consultation with your veterinarian. Professional help is still needed to make sure that your iguana to live for a very long time.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Tips on Getting the Right Cage for Your Giant Iguana

Giant Iguana

Iguanas are usually seen in smaller sizes. But contrary to this, iguanas can be so large that you will need a whole room for it to be able to survive. This article will discuss on how to properly get or build a cage for you giant Iguana.

One of the most important things in building your pet’s cage is the SIZE - size does matter when it comes to your giant iguana’s cage.

There are common beliefs that an iguana’s growth size is only limited by the shape and size of their cage. But sad to say this statement is not true. Most iguanas continually grow faster on the first quarter of their life span and slower on the next half.

So before purchasing a giant iguana, make sure that you have the proper resources and space for a big cage for your iguana’s habitat. A newly hatched iguana can easily fill out a 60 gallon aquarium in just one year if properly and healthily taken care off.

A small iguana in the first 6 months of his life does not need a big cage. A large fish aquarium will do, but you should be ready to spend more after eight months because this is the time where rapid growth of your iguana occurs.

Another important thing to consider in building a cage for your giant iguana is the temperature and humidity of the cage. Iguanas are reptile and are cold blooded creature so they basically need an environment which is warm but not too hot.

A basking point should be installed which should have a temperature of eighty-nine to ninety-five degrees Fahrenheit and the total air temperature should be at least eighty degrees Fahrenheit.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Significant Insights about the Giant Green Iguana

The term giant green iguana refers to the giant lizards. They are said to be giants because they grow up to five to six feet in a span of four to five years. If you prefer not to have a big lizard under your care, then do not opt for a giant green iguana. There are no dwarf versions of this species so you must understand from the very start that green iguanas by nature can grow really large. You cannot by all means make an iguana a dwarf version not unless you expose it to severe chronic malnutrition and then to continuous hypothermia.

Of course, when you do safe keep it on a tank that measures only up to ten gallons, its normal growth will be hideously hindered. Such kind of environment will also make the iguana sick and crazy to the highest level. If you are really serious in making the iguana appear small, then kill it slowly. Killing it slowly means keeping it in a very small-spaced tank container, giving it dull food to feed on, and then exposing it to extreme cold. You may likewise try to be humane and just simply buy a stuffed toy iguana.  

The iguanas are naturally from the exotic tropical areas so when they are taken in as pets they must be fully maintained. Meaning, they must be catered with sufficient and healthy food, homey housing environment, proper lighting, and utmost tender love and care. In the absence of any of these factors, they can be subject to premature death. It is a must that you know for a fact if you will love to take care of a giant green iguana before purchasing one. They get extremely huge and live a span of twelve to fifteen years.

In terms of the breeding season, the mature male iguanas, which are then capable of mating with a female iguana, will usually appear rambunctious, mean, and grumpy. Meanwhile, the sexually active and mature female iguanas are able to lay eggs despite the absence of the male iguanas. More so, proper care should be given to the female iguanas so as they will be able to carry out a successful lying of their eggs. In truth, the giant green iguanas can be cared as pets both by the young and old.

Indeed, the giant green iguana ranks as one of the well-known and most sought-after lizards. Most of the buyers of the giant green iguana have no idea at all as to how huge the young iguana could grow when the right time comes. The full-grown giant male green iguanas measure up to almost seven feet. When it comes to feeding them, vegetables are a must. Pay particular attention to offering them the leafy ones since they are plant-eaters by nature. Fruits such as banana can also be included in the iguana’s diet. At a very young stage, it is important to feed the iguanas with diversified sorts of food because it is during this time that they learn to recognize the food preferences that they will go for. Once or twice in a week, the iguana should be given a small quantity of a vitamin and mineral supplement which is especially intended for reptiles. When all these insights are followed, you can be certain that your pet iguana will grow healthy.

The place: The Green Iguana Surf Camp

They want to know the joy and pleasure of learning, while at the same time?

If this happens, well, Green Iguana Surf Camp is the place for you.

Green Iguana Surf Camp has been in business for a long time, teaching not only invited to surf the waves, but also to enjoy the full browsing experience - at the same time, make sure you know how to stay safe in the waters of Costa Rica.

Located in the heart of Playa Dominical, where the waves are constant throughout Costa Rica, Green Iguana Surf Camp offers the adventure of a kind for young and old surfers, and employees of their holiday environment, the candidate the emotion and Weary Traveler.


Examples of picture perfect tropical beaches, Playa Dominical and its surrounding reefs and coasts, as Guapiles Beach Dominical Beach, Playa Ventanas and Playa Hermosa are full of perfect spots navigation.

Thanks to its easy mounting type switches waves are not more challenging surf on the ground, the sites mentioned above, which makes them good places to look forward to becoming an expert in navigation. Intermediate and advanced, on the other hand, we can still improve your skills in the area known as Pointbreak beautiful "native potato Point Playa Dominical, or" The Point "for many.

Green Iguana Surf Camp also offers many other activities on the Internet. With its forest cover, the most beautiful beaches and waterfalls, an adventurer can participate in hiking, canoeing, abseiling and even. The weary traveler, however, you can always relax and watch the sunset gold, that lying lazily in a network, the sound waves in the background.


Green Iguana Surf Camp offers accommodation to its guests. There are two types: the regime of the beach and the houses of the jungle.

1. Diuwak (pronounced "Dee-you-WAK) Resort is for those who want to be near the ocean. Elegant, rustic and comfortable, is about 100 meters from the sea Diuwak Package A package has two bedrooms.

• Pack 1 or a standard room has an en suite double or double beds, heating, telephone, fan or air conditioning.
• Pack 2 or a deluxe room with all the comforts Package 1, but are a little "bigger. They also have a TV and a mini-fridge.

2. Rainforest Properties also offers different services, but, as its name suggests, is a place where you can stay in a forest, surrounded by a deep silence of nature. So if you want to learn to surf in Costa Rica and reflect on their lives and, Rainforest Green Iguana Surf Camp apartment is the type of accommodation to choose from.

Other features

In addition to travel accommodations pleasant beach and coastal walks and waterfalls, Green Iguana Surf Camp offers surfing lessons from experienced teachers and aid workers, a CD with photos, surfing lessons, a tee shirt - green iguana, a Visit the reptile park, and transportation to and from the airport of San Jose. The packages also include meals and massage therapy.

Whichever package you choose, Green Iguana Surf Camp offers pure fun!

Now, close your eyes. Imagine a couple of days, weeks or months from now on your computer or summer bikini (no need to mute), tan, smiling local children with exciting waves and palm trees perfectly into the back of the beach.

Tempting, no? What are you waiting for? Contact Green Iguana Surf Camp Now!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Healthy Giant Green Iguana like no other

Giant green iguanas are the "in" thing now. This is one of the most popular reptiles that is being held captive and is taken care of in most households. So you should not be surprised if your child asks for one instead of the usual cats or dogs.

If you base on the word "giant", you are probably thinking that these iguanas will appear so. Many would-be iguana owners will be surprised at the size that these reptiles can turn into in its adult years. You may have brought a little pet in the store along with cute accessories only to realize later on that those things would not fit your pet anymore.

These are what giant green iguanas can turn to. They may look small initially but they can grow their maximum size if you know how to do it properly. Now, how do you do that?

You can start off by choosing the healthiest iguana you can find. You will see this if the iguana seems active and alert. Check out their body and body parts. They should be round and without any signs of scratches, bumps or lumps.

The difference between healthy and a not-so-healthy iguana can be seen by their movements. A healthy one does not sit around and remain stagnant in one place. You will find them moving around in their cages as if curious with what is happening around them. Their eyes would appear round. Their tongue should also flick in and out while moving about.

You should not make the mistake of selecting one that appears to be calm in thinking that they can easily be taken care of. Another mistake is choosing one that appears sickly because you pity the reptile. These are sure signs that the iguana is not really healthy after all. You might end up regretting your decision later on.

The next step is giving it a suitable and comfortable home. The aquarium that you need to buy will depend upon how small or grown up your pet is already. Smaller iguanas require 10 to 29 galloon aquariums.

The best thing to do is have a custom-made cage built. It will prevent you from shifting to one cage after another once the iguana starts growing. It does not matter if you think that the cage is too large for your pet. Eventually, it will grow bigger and will need more room to move around.

The kind of diet that you give your iguana will determine how healthy or unhealthy it will be. Iguanas in their juvenile years should be fed everyday. While those in their older years can be fed after every two days.

Even if iguanas are carnivorous, the best foods to give them are green leafy vegetables. These will ensure that they maintain a healthy and balanced diet. You should do well in maintaining the kind of diet you will give your pet so that it will not turn out fat, obese and lazy.

Female iguanas have the tendency not to eat the food you give them. This may be because they are in their egg development stage. Once this stage has passed, they will get their appetite back. Just be patient in free feeding them so they will become thin and unenergetic.

Having a healthy iguana is just a matter of taking the necessary steps. If you want your giant green iguana to live for years to come, you will take time to consider every aspect needed in their growth.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Importance of Proper Nutrition For Your Iguana

Reptiles are of different kinds. Iguanas are just one of those that belong to the largest species of lard family. Iguanas are commonly seen in tropical rain forests, hot deserts and semi-aquatic places. From the forests of North America, Canada and South America to the desert places of South Africa and Madagascar and Island of Galapagos, you will be able to see different types of iguanas.

Iguanas can easily adapt to their environment. Like other reptiles, iguanas are also egg-laying animals and cold-blooded, meaning they cannot produce heat from their body.

Different Iguanas has its unique ability to be able to become accustomed to their habitat. They have their unique skills. Iguanas that dwell in high trees for instance, can jump off the ground without having injuries. In addition, iguanas in Galapagos Island, the Amblyrhynchus cristatus, known as the marine iguana are good swimmer.

The species of iguana differ in their color, size, behavior and their extinction status in the wild. Some iguanas have vivid and bright colors, and others are dull. Most iguanas grows quickly, a hundred times heavier as their normal size as a hatchling in just about 24-30 months. But this would happen if they are given proper care, enough food, and a place with good air circulation and lots of sunlight.

Most iguanas are herbivores while some are omnivore or carnivore depending on their habitat. Terrestrial dwellers are carnivore, they eat mealworms and wax worms while the forest and tree dwellers are herbivores, eats young leaves, flower buds and fruits.

Proper feeding of iguanas is important. Sufficient food intake might lead to bloating, and obesity. In addition, lack of proper diet may also lead to some diseases. Cases like these are very usual so you must be prepared whatever happened to your pet.

If your iguana is showing signs of NSHP or MBD you must bring your pet to a veterinarian. Your iguana is suffering from Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyrodism or a metabolic bone disease. It doesn’t mean that your iguana is unhealthy if it is oversized or fat. Proper diet must be given. Provide your iguana with a high calcium and low phosphorus diet. Also, always make sure that your pet gets a proper sunlight.

If you’re iguana body seem to be bony and fat and jaws seem to be swollen, your iguana is in the critical stage of NHSP or MBD. This would lead to brittle bones that cause deformities and fractures.

To avoid this to happen give your iguana proper diet, exercise and should maintain a good weight but not becoming overweight. It is also necessary for a fat iguana to obtain the needed calcium or phosphorus ratio for a healthy bone.

How will you know if your Iguana is growing properly?

Hatchling usually measures for about two and a half to three and a half inches snout to vent. When it reaches and emerges from the egg it grows three-quarters of an inch a month for almost three months. The growth of young iguanas slows to a half when it is three months old with a snout to vent of five and three-quarter inches. Iguana reaches for about 9-10 inches stout to vent in just one year.

The growth of your iguana in this stage is very fast. During its twelve to fifteen months, it will grow for about triple of its original length. The growth length of iguana slows radically as the iguana continues to grow for next years. This time give your iguana a proper diet so that it would not get bigger and bigger.